Monday, May 4, 2009

So OVER my dad

SO, I just found out that my dad left me 1$ in his will. The drug addict and alcoholic apparently rate higher than I do. Whatever problem my dad had with me, he didn't share, nor did he want to deal with. He always told me how proud he was of me and my family. This is the biggest slap in the face I have EVER received. Knowing how against the LDS church my dad is, I am going to donate that dollar to the Book of Mormon fund. HA HA HA! Laughs on you Dad!

I want to vomit after going to 2 funerals and a burial where everyone spoke of what a wonderful man my dad was. How wonderful is someone who would be so spiteful to his child-one who is actually a fairly productive member of society? How wonderful is someone who would lie to his child and do something so hurtful after he is gone and doesn't have to deal with the aftermath?

I have never experienced ANYTHING like this before.


Unknown said...

He wasn't wonderful. You deserved so much better. That was a terribly spiteful and cowardly thing to do. I'm so sorry that he treated you that way.
You are more than a 'fairly productive' member of society. You are kind, loving, generous, and one of the best people I've ever known.
And in MY will, I'm leaving you my kids!

Truth Sayer said...

Your blog sounds mean spirited and hateful. Your self-rightous and discriminatory attitude alienated your father and that is YOUR fault...and your loss. You are lucky to get a dollar from didnt deserve a penny.